Myths And Disinformation About Lawsuit Funding For Plaintiffs
A lawsuit cash advance is commonly known as a lawsuit loan or pre-settlement funding. This type of financing refers to borrowing money from your future settlement
Safety Measures For Litigation Funding Investors
Reports have indicated that litigation funding investment plays a significant role in the administration of justice. Legal funding helps meritorious claimants to pursue their cases
Reasons Why Lawyers May Not Want Their Clients To Get Lawsuit Funding
Attorneys understand that lawsuit settlement advances or pre-settlement funding may be necessary if their clients are cash-strapped and in need of money to meet their
Does litigation funding contribute to social inflation?
No. Litigation funding does not contribute to social inflation. Blaming litigation funding as a cause of social inflation and the rise of insurance costs is
Non-Recourse Funding Vs Recourse Funding: Which Is Best?
In general, most loans can be a bit complicated to understand as you need to know your credit score, calculate your income, and figure out
Benefits of Litigation Finance
In a world driven by money, it is not always possible to gain access to justice without any sort of assistance. Legal costs can run