
Comparing Costs: Lawsuit Loans vs Traditional Loans

Reading Time: 4 minutes
How Is Pre-Settlement Funding Different than a Bank Loan? 

When you’re facing a personal injury lawsuit, financial strain often comes as an unwelcome companion. You might be considering a lawsuit loan to tide you over. But how does this option stack up against traditional loans?

What is a Lawsuit Loan?

A lawsuit loan, also known as pre-settlement funding, is a non-recourse financial arrangement that provides plaintiffs with civil claims with immediate cash—often within 24 hours—against the expected settlement of their ongoing legal case. This type of loan is unique because it’s risk-free for the borrower; you only repay if you win your legal case. In essence, it’s a financial cushion that can help you manage living expenses, medical bills, and other urgent needs while you wait for your legal settlement.

What is a Traditional Loan?

Traditional loans are a broad category of financial products offered by banks and other lending institutions. These loans come in various forms, including personal, mortgage, and auto loans, each with its own set of requirements and repayment terms.

Unlike lawsuit loans, traditional loans often require a thorough credit check, income verification, and sometimes collateral. They are versatile but come with the responsibility of immediate, usually monthly, repayments.

Comparative Cost Analysis: Lawsuit Loans vs Traditional Loans

Interest Rates

  • With lawsuit loans, you could be looking at rates as high as 60% per year on average with most lenders.
  • Traditional loans might offer annual rates of around 4-6%. 

While lawsuit loans may be more expensive than traditional loans, they are a great alternative. It allows plaintiffs to gain a sense of security and stability in their lives, which cannot be measured by any price tag. For most borrowers, it is worth the cost.

Default Risks and Implications

  • While traditional loans offer lower interest rates, the stakes are high. Miss a payment, and you’re looking at a dented credit score, potential legal action, and even automatic withdrawals from your bank account that can send you spiraling into overdraft.
  • With lawsuit loans, on the other hand, the lender takes on the risk. This high-risk venture is a key reason why lawsuit loans often come with a higher price tag than traditional loans. So, while you might be paying a premium, you’re also getting a unique form of financial relief that doesn’t put your credit score or assets at risk.

Repayment Terms

  • Traditional loans require you to start repaying almost immediately, usually on a monthly basis.
  • Legal funding does not require any monthly payments. Your attorney repays the loan from the settlement funds.

Fees and Additional Costs

Both types of financing come with their own set of fees:

  • Traditional loans might have upfront fees and other types of fees.
  • Settlement loans don’t have upfront fees but can include itemized fees.

Collateral Requirements

  • Traditional loans often require some form of collateral—be it your home, car, or other valuable assets—as a guarantee for repayment.
  • In contrast, lawsuit loans, on the other hand, use the future settlement of your case as the only form of collateral, not your assets.

Usage for Living Expenses

  • Traditional banks often prohibit loans for general living expenses, including rent or mortgage payments and other urgent costs. They prefer loans to be used for specific “investment” purposes like education, home improvement, or business ventures.
  • In contrast, lawsuit loans are more flexible in terms of usage, and the funds can often be used for living expenses, medical bills, or whatever immediate financial needs you may have.

Higher amounts

  • Traditional loans have stricter requirements for larger loan amounts. These include a thorough credit check, excellent credit history, income verification, and sometimes even a business plan if the loan is for entrepreneurial purposes.
  • Conversely, lawsuit loans can offer large funding amounts based on the estimated value of your future settlement. Pre-settlement lenders typically cap their offers at 10% of the case’s conservative worth. So, if your potential settlement is worth $500,000, you could be eligible for up to $50,000 in legal funding without the stringent requirements often associated with traditional loans.

Loan Review

  • The approval process for traditional loans is usually longer and may include additional documentation and verification steps, sometimes even an in-person interview.
  • With pre-settlement funding, the loan process can be completed in 24 hours.

Fundamentally, both lawsuit and traditional loans have their pros and cons. If you’re in immediate need and expect a favorable legal outcome, a lawsuit loan might be your best bet. However, if you’re looking for lower interest rates and can manage monthly payments, a traditional loan could be more economical.

Which Loan is Right for You?

When you’re caught in the midst of a civil lawsuit, the immediate relief that lawsuit loans offer can be life-changing. These loans are quick to secure, don’t require monthly repayments, and won’t dent your credit score. They’re particularly useful if you need funds for urgent living or medical expenses. However, this convenience comes at a cost—higher interest rates and potential itemized fees.

On the flip side, traditional loans offer lower interest rates and can be a more economical choice if you have the luxury of time and a good credit score. These loans are versatile but come with their own set of strings—monthly repayments, potential collateral, and a longer approval process. So, if you’re not in immediate distress and can manage regular payments, a traditional loan might be the way to go.

Given these considerations, what’s your next move? With Baker Street Funding’s pre-settlement loans, you’re not just filling a financial gap—you’re building a bridge to a stress-free life. In a world where 46% of Americans can’t cover a $400 emergency expense, isn’t it time you took control of your financial situation? Legal experts endorse pre-settlement funding as a viable option for plaintiffs who need immediate financial relief without the risk.

If you’re struggling financially and waiting for a legal settlement, apply for a pre-settlement loan and receive a funding decision within 24 hours. It’s more than just money—it’s your chance to breathe easier, fight your case more effectively, and improve your quality of life.

At Baker Street Funding, we give you the inside scoop on pre-settlement funding by covering a variety of ... financing and legal topics to help you made the best financial decision for you and for your case. Our experts break down complex ideas in a way that's easy to understand so you can stay informed on current trends as well as tips and fact checked information by the CEO and founder, Daniel Digiaimo. Furthermore, Despite its name, consumer legal funding is not a loan. If you don't win your case, no payment needs to be made back. To avoid confusion and simplify matters on, we'll use the word "loan" throughout this article.

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