Crane Accident Lawsuits and Pre-Settlement Funding Options

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Crane accident pre-settlement funding

Crane accidents are among the most severe incidents on construction sites, often leading to serious injuries or, tragically, loss of life. If this has happened to you or someone you love, you’re likely facing a tough road ahead—not only physically, but financially too.

Understanding you have legal rights can be a comforting first step. Additionally, knowing that financial assistance is available in the form of lawsuit funding can provide essential security and support during this traumatic recovery period.

Understanding Your Legal Options After a Crane Accident

If you or a loved one were injured in a crane accident, getting through the compensation process can be time-consuming, especially if the accident occurred while on the job. Typically, workers’ compensation might cover some of your immediate medical bills and lost wages, but it often falls short of providing the full support you and your family might need during such a difficult time.

Filing a Personal Injury Lawsuit for Crane Accidents

In instances where workers’ compensation isn’t enough, you may have the option to pursue additional compensation through a third-party personal injury lawsuit. This is applicable if your crane accident was caused by someone other than your employer or a coworker. Potential defendants in third-party claims could include crane manufacturers, subcontractors, construction companies, property owners, or any other entities whose negligence contributed to the accident.

When you file this type of lawsuit, you—now the plaintiff—must prove that negligence by the defendant led to your injuries.

What You Need to Prove

As the injured party, or plaintiff, you carry the responsibility to show that the defendant’s actions or lack of action directly caused the crane accident that led to your injuries. This involves:

  • Gathering evidence such as accident reports, witness statements, and medical records.
  • Demonstrating how the negligence led directly to your injuries.
  • Illustrating the full extent of your losses, from medical bills to potential future treatments and earnings lost.

Why You Need a Personal Injury Attorney for Crane Accident Claims

Dealing with a third-party negligence claim involves understanding the laws governing personal injury and the ability to build a strong case. This is where having an experienced personal injury attorney becomes invaluable.

Your attorney will actively work to prove negligence and explore every possible source of compensation. He or she will handle all the legal details and negotiate on your behalf, allowing you to focus on rebuilding your life without the stress of legal proceedings.

While no outcome can be guaranteed, a skilled crane accident lawyer will strive to secure the most comprehensive settlement possible, seeking to fully cover your medical expenses, lost wages, and other damages.

Understanding Compensation for Crane Accident Claims

If you’ve been injured in a crane accident, you have the right to seek compensation for the losses you’ve endured. This compensation is generally divided into two categories: economic and non-economic damages, and in some cases, punitive damages.

Economic Damages

 These cover the monetary losses you have incurred as a result of the accident. This might include:

  • Medical bills for immediate and ongoing treatments
  • Lost wages if you’ve been unable to work
  • Costs related to hospital stays and rehabilitation
  • Expenses for necessary services at home that you can no longer manage due to your injuries To calculate these costs, your lawyer will use evidence like bills and salary statements to show exactly how much the accident has cost you financially.

Non-Economic Damages

 These compensate for impacts that don’t have a direct monetary value but deeply affect your life, such as:

  • Loss of future earning capacity if you can no longer work as before
  • Ongoing pain and suffering
  • Emotional distress experienced due to the accident and its aftermath. Unlike workers’ comp, these damages recognize the personal and profound losses that aren’t reflected on the claim. 

Punitive Damages

In cases where the accident resulted from particularly harmful negligence or misconduct, you might also be eligible for punitive damages. These aren’t intended to compensate you but to punish the wrongdoer and prevent similar actions in the future. They send a strong message that reckless disregard for safety won’t be tolerated.

Getting Through the Lengthy Process of Crane Accident Claims

Dealing with a crane accident claim can be a lengthy and complicated process, especially when multiple parties are involved. The time between filing a lawsuit and reaching a settlement can stretch over months, or even years, often due to the detailed nature of proving negligence and the typical back-and-forth of legal negotiations.

During this period, you might find yourself facing mounting financial pressures as medical bills, household expenses, and other costs continue to accumulate while your ability to work remains compromised. This financial strain is where pre-settlement funding becomes particularly relevant.

Why Consider Pre-Settlement Funding?

Pre-settlement funding for crane accident third-party negligence lawsuits is a financial option designed to provide immediate cash relief to plaintiffs who are in the midst of a lawsuit.

If you have been injured in a crane accident and are pursuing a lawsuit against parties other than your employer—such as manufacturers, subcontractors, or other third parties—pre-settlement funding can help support you financially while your case is being resolved.

How Pre-Settlement Funding Works

  1. Application. You apply for funding through a company like BakerStreet Funding, which specializes in lawsuit advances.
  2. Evaluation. Our personal injury attorney then reviews the details of your case with your attorney to assess its strength and potential settlement amount.
  3. Approval. If your application is approved, we will provide you and your lawyer with a funding contract to complete. Your cash advance is based on the expected settlement or award from your crane accident lawsuit.
  4. Funds. We typically disburse funds within hours after the funding agreement is complete.
  5. Repayment: Repayment of the advance is contingent upon the outcome of your lawsuit. If you win or settle the case, the repayment amount, which includes fees and interest, is taken from the settlement amount. If you lose, you owe nothing back to Baker Street Funding.

Benefits of Pre-Settlement Funding for Crane Accident Victims

  • Financial Relief. Pre-settlement funding offers financial stability during what can often be a long and uncertain legal process that often accompanies crane accident lawsuits. It helps cover living expenses, medical bills, and other costs while you wait for a settlement or judgment.
  • Non-Recourse. This loan is non-recourse, meaning if you don’t win your lawsuit, you aren’t obligated to repay the advance. This reduces the financial risk involved with pursuing a lawsuit.
  • Empowerment to Fight. With financial pressures alleviated, you can afford to wait for a fair and just settlement or verdict, rather than accepting a lower offer due to immediate cash needs.

Ready to Secure Your Financial Future While Waiting for Your Settlement?

In the midst of a crane accident lawsuit, securing financial stability is imperative. At Baker Street Funding, we offer more than just non-recourse loans; we provide a lifeline, helping you and your family maintain stability while your attorney works towards securing the compensation you rightfully deserve.

Our lawsuit loans feature competitive interest rates and transparent, capped terms to avoid any surprises. Each client is paired with an experienced funding specialist who offers personalized guidance every step of the way. Don’t let financial strain restrict your options—apply now for lawsuit funding and start reclaiming your life during this crucial time.

Contact us at 888-711-3599 or apply online today for a pre-settlement loan.


What legal rights do I have if I am injured in a crane accident on a construction site?

If you’re constuction worker who was injured in a crane accident, you generally have the right to seek compensation through workers’ compensation if you’re an employee. However, if the accident was caused by someone other than your employer or a coworker—such as a crane company or another contractor—you might have the right to file a third-party lawsuit for additional damages. This can include more types of losses, such as pain and suffering, loss of future earning potential, and other damages not covered by workers’ compensation.

How long do I have to file a lawsuit after a crane accident?

The time limit, or statute of limitations, for filing a lawsuit after a crane accident varies by state. Typically, personal injury lawsuits must be filed within one to three years from the date of the accident. That’s why you should consult with a personal injury attorney as soon as possible after an accident to make sure that your legal rights are preserved and your claim is filed within the appropriate time frame.

How does pre-settlement funding work, and how can it help me if I’m involved in a crane accident lawsuit?

Pre-settlement funding provides you with a cash advance on the potential settlement of your ongoing crane accident lawsuit. This funding can help manage financial pressures during the litigation process, such as covering living expenses, medical bills, and ongoing care costs. The advance is considered non-recourse, which means you only have to repay it if you win your case. If the lawsuit doesn’t end in a favorable outcome, you aren’t obligated to pay back the advance.

Apply for a motor vehicle accident loan in minutes.

Ready to take control of your financial future while you wait for your motor vehicle accident settlement? Baker Street Funding is here to assist you right now. We offer pre-settlement funding at simple, low rates, designed to put you back in the driver’s seat of your life. You can qualify in just a couple of minutes—either apply online or give us a call at (888) 711-3599. It’s your easy first step toward financial stability, without the stress of high costs.

Select a legal funding service to get started. 

Attorney Requests

Lawsuit Loans

Litigation Funding

Personal Injury Loans

Settled Case Loans

Surgery Funding

Or just call us at 888.711.3599 to apply.