Pre-Settlement Funding for Misdiagnosis & Failure to Diagnose Lawsuits

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Wrong diagnosis pre-settlement funding

Medical Errors in Diagnosis. Unexpected Medical Bills. Financial Stress. If you’re struggling to keep up with daily expenses during a personal injury lawsuit, you’re not alone. It’s becoming increasingly difficult to cover the most basic living expenses like rent, utilities, and groceries while focusing on a full recovery and pursuing justice.

According to studies by the University of Chicago Law School, a staggering number of personal injury victims face severe financial strain as insurance companies stall negotiations, particularly in cases with higher potential payouts.

Beyond immediate expenses, paying medical bills, and other expenses related to your recovery are also feeling like an uphill battle. Managing your long-term financial stability is important if you want to achieve a fair settlement. But how do you stay financially afloat when you’re already overwhelmed?

At Baker Street Funding, we offer pre-settlement funding against delayed, incorrect, or missed diagnoses lawsuits to provide you with the immediate relief you need to get back on your feet.

Lawsuits Involving Diagnostic Error

Diagnostic error lawsuits have become increasingly common in recent years, shedding light on the severe impact a wrong diagnosis can have on a patient’s life. These lawsuits fall under the category of medical malpractice, in which a patient or his/her representatives file a legal claim against a healthcare provider, claiming that the provider’s failure to correctly diagnose a medical condition resulted in harm. This can lead to delayed or improper treatment, worsening health conditions, unnecessary procedures, and even wrongful death.

Types of Diagnostic Errors

  • Misdiagnosis. Incorrectly identifying a medical condition.
  • Delayed Diagnosis. Taking too long to identify an illness.
  • Failure to Diagnose. Missing a health problem that should have been recognized

Why it Happens

Unfortunately, diagnostic errors are more common than you might think. They affect about 5% of adults in outpatient settings and cause 6-17% of hospital-related problems. The National Academy of Medicine describes these errors as mistakes in diagnosing a patient’s health problem or in communicating the diagnosis.

  • Bias and Cognitive Errors: Healthcare professionals might rely on incorrect assumptions.
  • Communication Breakdown: Miscommunication between healthcare providers or with patients can result in misunderstandings about symptoms or test results.
  • Inadequate Diagnostic Tests: Sometimes, doctors fail to order the necessary tests, or the tests aren’t interpreted correctly.
  • Systemic Issues: Overburdened healthcare systems, inadequate staffing, and time pressures can contribute to rushed or superficial evaluations.
  • Incomplete Medical History: Often, missed, delayed, or wrong diagnosis occurs because a patient’s full medical history isn’t reviewed.
  • Misinterpretation of Symptoms: Many medical conditions share similar symptoms, which makes it difficult to pinpoint the exact illness.
  • Overreliance on Technology: While essential, diagnostic tools can sometimes overshadow clinical judgment.
  • Lack of Specialist Referral: Failure to refer patients to specialists for serious conditions can lead to misdiagnosis.
  • Rare or Atypical Presentations: Rare diseases or those presenting atypically can be easily overlooked or misidentified.

Quick Fact: A study by Johns Hopkins found that diagnostic errors result in 795,000 deaths or permanent disabilities each year, with cognitive errors and systemic issues being major contributors.

Pre-Settlement Funding for Victims in Lawsuits Involving Diagnostic Errors

Dealing with a missed, delayed, or wrong diagnosis, especially something as serious as cancer, heart attack or pulmonary embolism, can turn your life upside down. You’re suddenly facing huge medical bills; you might have to take time off work, and the stress can be unbearable for anyone. Waiting for your medical malpractice lawsuit to settle feels like adding insult to injury. This is where pre-settlement funding can make a real difference.

Pre-settlement funding provides you with a cash advance based on the expected outcome of your missed, delayed, or wrong diagnosis lawsuit. It’s not a traditional loan, so there are no monthly payments. Instead, you repay the advance from your settlement amount if you win your case.

How You Can Use Pre-Settlement Funding

You can use a diagnostic error lawsuit loan to cover your immediate expenses, such as medical bills, living costs, housing, transportation, utilities, credit card bills, child support, food, and other urgencies.

This type of funding also allows you to get the best care while spending valuable time with your loved ones. Here are other ways legal funding can help:

  • Stem Cell Therapy: You can use the funding to cover the costs of specialized treatments like stem cell therapy, which may be recommended for repairing damage caused by conditions such as heart disease that were initially misdiagnosed.
  • CAR-T Cell Therapy: If recommended by your healthcare provider, legal funding can help with the expenses of advanced immunotherapy treatments, such as CAR-T cell therapy, where T-cells are modified to better recognize and attack cancer cells.
  • Advanced Anticoagulant Therapies: You can also use a lawsuit cash advance to pay for medications or treatments designed to dissolve blood clots more effectively. This is especially important for conditions like pulmonary embolism that were misdiagnosed.
  • Personalized Medicine: These are treatments tailored to your unique genetic profile, as prescribed by your doctor, including advanced therapies for conditions like cancer or genetic disorders.
  • Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy: If your doctor recommends hyperbaric oxygen therapy for severe infections or wounds caused by misdiagnosis, lawsuit financing can help you pay for it.

Need Legal Funding for a Medical Procedure Due to Missed, Delayed, or Wrong Diagnosis?

Baker Street Funding offers medical lien legal funding services for personal injury lawsuits, providing a cost-effective alternative to paying the doctor directly for your surgery. Our funding can assist with a variety of necessary medical procedures that may be needed due to errors in diagnosis, such as:

  1. Complex Cancer Surgeries. When a cancer diagnosis is delayed, the cancer may progress to a more advanced stage, requiring more extensive surgical intervention. Surgeries we fund include mastectomy, liver resection, pancreaticoduodenectomy (Whipple procedure), and major gastrointestinal surgeries.
  2. Cardiac Surgeries. Misdiagnosis or delayed diagnosis of cardiac conditions can lead to the need for emergency or more extensive heart surgery. We fund procedures like coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG), heart valve replacement, and heart transplant.
  3. Neurosurgeries. Errors in diagnosing neurological conditions, such as brain tumors or spinal cord injuries, can necessitate complex neurosurgical procedures. We provide personal injury funding to cover the costs of craniotomy for brain tumor removal, spinal fusion, and decompression surgeries.
  4. Pulmonary Embolism Misdiagnosis. Pulmonary embolism (PE) is a life-threatening condition caused by blood clots traveling to the lungs. Our funding covers thrombolytic therapy (clot-busting drugs), pulmonary embolectomy, and catheter-directed thrombolysis.
  5. Orthopedic Surgeries. If you have a misdiagnosis of musculoskeletal conditions and need surgeries such as joint replacements (hip, knee), spinal surgeries (lumbar fusion), and corrective surgeries for fractures or dislocations, we can help cover the costs.

If you are interested in legal funding for a medical procedure in your medical error lawsuit, have your attorney contact us at (888) 711-3599.

Eligibility for Misdiagnosis Lawsuit Settlement Funding

If you have been a victim of misdiagnosis and have an active lawsuit, you may be eligible for pre-settlement funding. Unlike traditional loans, Baker Street Funding’s lawsuit loans are not based on credit or income, but rather on the strength of your lawsuit.

To borrow money from your pensing lawsuit, you must meet the following criteria:

  1. Medical Malpractice Case
  2. Strong Case Merits
  3. A Medical Malpractice Attorney
  4. Fundable State Residency
  5. No Claim Fraud History

Pre-Settlement Funding Evaluation for Incorrect Diagnosis Lawsuits

To enhance your chances of obtaining non-recourse funding for errors in diagnosis lawsuits, your lawyer must provide compelling evidence of the defendant’s negligence. Beyond the standard eligibility criteria, here’s how we evaluate the strength of your case to determine its qualification for legal financing:

  • Detailed Patient History. Comprehensive documentation of patient symptoms, medical history, and interactions with healthcare providers.
  • Diagnostic Tests and Reports. Initial diagnostic tests, imaging results, and lab reports that were either misinterpreted or ignored. For example, missed abnormal cell growth in biopsy reports or overlooked EKG changes indicating myocardial infarction.
  • Referrals. Any referrals to specialists based on the initial diagnosis, including reports of the patient’s condition, second opinions or additional diagnostic tests.
  • Extent of Damage. Medical records showing the patient’s condition before the misdiagnosis and the progression of the illness or injury post-misdiagnosis.
  • Medical Experts. Testimony from specialists who can directly link how diagnostic mistakes led to severe health issues, delayed treatment, or irreversible damage. Depending on the condition, these can include oncologists, cardiologists for heart attack, neurologists for stroke, infectious disease specialists for infections like sepsis or meningitis, pulmonologists for pulmonary embolism or general surgeons for appendicitis, among other reports.
  • Treatment Records. Detailed records of the more aggressive treatments needed due to the delay, including any adverse effects.
  • Timeline Establishment: Accurate timeline between the misdiagnosis, the onset of additional complications, and the eventual correct diagnosis.
  • Long-Term Assessments. Evaluations conducted by experts to determine the severity of lasting or irreversible impairments, such as chronic organ damage and how it affects daily activities.
  • Costs of Surgery. The total costs for current and future surgeries to address the complications arising from the misdiagnosis, which can easily range from $50,000 to over $300,000 depending on the specific circumstances and required treatments.
  • Prior Incidents. If applicable, showing a history of similar medical errors by the healthcare provider or institution to establish a pattern of negligence.

Ready to Apply for a Lawsuit Cash Advance?

A missed, delayed, or wrong diagnosis lawsuit can have significant financial implications for victims like yourself. If you win the lawsuit, you may be entitled to compensation for medical expenses, lost wages, and pain and suffering.

However, personal injury cases such as medical malpractice litigation can take years to conclude. During this time, you might face ongoing health complications and delayed treatment, which could worsen your condition and potentially lead to irreversible damage.

With a non-recourse lawsuit loan from Baker Street Funding, you can access a portion of your potential settlement now to help cover these costs and ease your financial worries. All our cash advances are based on the outcome of your claim. You only have to return them once your lawsuit ends in a win and you get money from a court award or settlement.

Quick, sensible, and attuned to the realities of your lawsuit, pre-settlement loans come with transparent terms and low rates from 2.95% per month. Apply for lawsuit funding to gain the leverage you need in your legal proceedings free from the burden of financial limitations.

Ease your burden with pre-settlement funding

Dealing with a personal injury lawsuit involves much more than fighting legal battles. It brings emotional stress, physical pain, and financial worries. It’s a lot to handle, but you don’t have to do it alone. At Baker Street Funding, we understand the specific hardships you’re facing. That’s why we offer lawsuit loans to give you the financial relief you need, allowing you to focus on your recovery and your fight for justice.

Getting started is quick and easy—fill out a two-minute application online or give us a call at (888) 711-3599 to stabilize your finances sooner.

Lawsuit settlement loans

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