Pre-Settlement Funding for Lawsuits Involving Organ Damage

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organ damage lawsuit loans

Living with organ damage is hard enough without financial worries. Dealing with mounting bills, lost income, and the costs of daily life not only strains your finances even more but also impacts your well-being in countless ways.

If you have experienced organ damage due to the negligent actions of another, and are currently pursuing litigation, you may be eligible for a risk-free lawsuit loan from Baker Street Funding.

Our funding solutions provide quick, non-recourse cash advances that allow you to navigate the challenges of organ damage with greater peace of mind, knowing you have the financial backing to secure the care and services you need. We don’t require payment if you don’t win your case.

What is Organ Damage Resulting from Personal Injury?

When we talk about organ damage resulting from personal injury, we are referring to physical harm inflicted on internal organs due to accidents, trauma, or other external forces. The severity of organ failure or damage can vary, ranging from mild to severe. hese treatments typically involve either repairing, removing, or replacing the damaged parts of the organ to restore function and health. I

In some cases, it may have long-term health implications or lead to permanent disability or even mortality.

1. Kidney Damage

Kidney damage makes it hard for your kidneys to remove waste from your blood and balance fluids and electrolytes. This can lead to chronic kidney disease or acute kidney failure. You might experience lower back pain, blood in your urine, swelling, and high blood pressure. Treatments include:

  • Nephrectomy: Removing part or all of a damaged kidney to stop the spread of disease or injury.
  • Kidney Transplant: Replacing both failing kidneys with a healthy donor kidney.

2. Liver Damage

Your liver helps eliminate harmful substances, produces proteins, and aids in digestion. When damaged, its ability to perform these functions is impaired, leading to chronic fatigue and cognitive difficulties. Symptoms include upper right belly pain, yellow skin or eyes, exhaustion, and swelling. Necessary procedures might be:

  • Liver Resection: Removing the damaged part of the liver to prevent further harm and promote healing.
  • Liver Transplant: Replacing the damaged liver with a healthy donor liver in severe cases.

3. Lung Damage

Lung damage affects your lungs’ ability to exchange oxygen and carbon dioxide, potentially leading to respiratory failure. Symptoms include shortness of breath, chest pain, coughing, and difficulty breathing. Surgical options are:

  • Lobectomy: Removing a damaged lobe of the lung to improve lung function.
  • Lung Transplant: Replacing a severely damaged lung with a healthy donor lung in cases of extensive failure.

4. Heart Damage

Heart damage impairs its ability to pump blood, leading to heart failure or other serious conditions. You might experience chest discomfort, irregular heartbeat, shortness of breath, and extreme fatigue. Treatments include:

  • Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting (CABG): Redirecting blood around blocked or damaged arteries to improve blood flow.
  • Heart Valve Repair or Replacement: Fixing or replacing damaged heart valves to ensure proper blood flow.

5. Spleen Damage

The spleen helps fight infection and filters old blood cells. Damage can cause rupture and internal bleeding. Symptoms include upper left abdomen discomfort, lightheadedness, and low blood pressure. The required procedure is:

  • Splenectomy: Removing the spleen to prevent internal bleeding and other complications.

6. Brain Damage

Brain damage involves injury to the brain tissue, affecting its cognitive functions, motor skills, and emotional regulation. Symptoms include memory loss, difficulty concentrating, headaches, seizures, and mood changes. Treatments involve:

  • Craniotomy: Removing part of the skull to access and treat the brain.
  • Brain Surgery: Various procedures to repair damaged brain tissue, remove clots, or relieve pressure.

Seeking Compensation for Visceral Injuries

When you suffer organ damage due to the negligence or intentional actions of another party, seeking compensation through a personal injury lawsuit is your right. However, the legal process can be long and costly, especially with mounting medical bill and living costs, making it difficult to wait for your case to settle.

Pre-settlement funding provides victims suffering injuries to their organs with the financial assistance they need to cover immediate expenses while their personal injury case is ongoing.

Personal Injury Lawsuit Loans for Organ Damage

Personal injury lawsuit loans for organ damage are financial advances provided to plaintiffs involved in legal disputes over severe injuries affecting their vital organs. These loans are designed to alleviate the financial burden associated with medical treatments, ongoing care, and daily living expenses while you await the resolution of your lawsuit.

When you suffer organ damage as a result of an accident or medical malpractice, the financial strain can be overwhelming. Medical bills, rehabilitation costs, and the inability to work can quickly add up, leaving you in a vulnerable financial situation. Personal injury lawsuit loans provide much-needed financial relief during this time.

These loans are non-recourse, meaning you only repay the advance if you win your case. This feature removes the risk of further financial hardship, as you don’t owe anything if your lawsuit is unsuccessful.

Lawsuit loans can be used to cover various expenses related to organ damage:

  • Home Care and Equipment: If you require home care services, or need assistance in covering transportation expenses to get to medical appointments, or pay increased healthcare insurance premiums, lawsuit funding can help cover these costs.
  • Living Expenses: Everyday expenses such as rent, mortgage, utilities, and groceries don’t stop when you’re suffering an organ injury. Lawsuit loans provide the funds needed to keep your household running smoothly.
  • Medical Expenses. You can use the funds for chronic disease management, and medications such as hepatoprotective agents, ACE inhibitors, corticosteroids, bronchodilators, and more.

How Pre-Settlement Funding Helps Victims of Organ Damage

Living with organ damage profoundly affects your financial, emotional and psychological well-being. Each type of organ damage presents its own challenges that can deeply affect every aspect of your life.

Liver Damage

Chronic fatigue and difficulty concentrating are common with liver damage. Imagine trying to get through your day feeling perpetually worn out and mentally foggy. These symptoms can lead to frustration and feelings of isolation, especially when strict dietary restrictions keep you from enjoying social activities and meals with loved ones.

Having access to financial assistance can help you afford the necessary dietary adjustments and support services like liver function test kits to mitigate these negative feelings.

Kidney Damage

For those with kidney damage, regular dialysis treatments are a part of life. The constant need for care takes over your schedule, leaving little room for other activities. Financial worry from ongoing medical expenses adds another layer of burden, making it hard to focus on anything other than your health.

Pre-settlement funding can help you purchase specialized equipment like home dialysis machines. It also covers medications such as erythropoiesis-stimulating agents (ESAs), any ongoing medical supplies like glucose test strips or blood pressure monitors. This financial support allows you to focus more on your health and less on your finances.

Lung Damage

If your lungs are damaged, breathing becomes a struggle. This can lead to panic attacks and a constant sense of fear. Your physical activity might be limited, forcing you into a more sedentary lifestyle.

Accessing respiratory therapies, as well as devices like pulse oximeters, peak flow meters, nebulizers, and oxygen tanks, through pre-settlement funding can enhance your ability to remain active and reduce anxiety.

Heart Damage

Damage can make you fearful of physical exertion, knowing it could pose serious risks. The need for constant heart monitoring adds to your emotional suffering. Every day involves managing your condition, unable to enjoy activities you once loved.

Legal funding for organ damage can help pay for necessary health monitoring equipment such as cardiac event monitor, holter monitor, and services to reduce some of that stress and better manage your condition. This financing tool can also cover any necessary surgical procedures (like for the ILR) and data analysis through medical lien funding.

Spleen Damage

Since spleen damage increases your risk of infections, you might live with an ongoing anxiety about getting sick. The constant vigilance required to avoid illness is indeed mentally draining, making it hard to relax and enjoy life. Lawsuit financing can cover the costs of preventive care and regular medical check-ups, so you’re not always feeling on edge.

Brain Damage

Brain damage brings another level of complexity to your life. You might find it hard to remember things or manage your emotions, which can be very upsetting. Tasks that were once easy may now be difficult, leading to irritation and a sense of loss. Mood swings and changes in personality can also strain relationships with loved ones.

Legal funding can help you afford treatments like craniotomy and intensive rehabilitation therapy. It also covers the costs of monitoring devices like intracranial pressure (ICP) monitors and portable EEG devices, so that you get the continuous care you need and improve your quality of life.

How to Apply for Funding

If you are suffering from organ damage and need financial support, you can apply for a pre-settlement loan with Baker Street Funding. Our simple application process takes just 24 hours and can be completed online or over the phone.

To get started, fill out our online form or give us a call at (888) 711-3599. One of our funding experts will contact you to guide you through the next steps. If your case is accepted, we will coordinate with your attorney to obtain the necessary case files to support your claim. Our team of underwriters will then review your case to assess its strength and potential settlement value.

If approved, we’ll make an offer and draft a legal funding agreement for you and your attorney to sign. Once the agreement is finalized, we quickly disburse the funds directly to your bank account, often within hours.

Repayment is made from your settlement amount only if you obtain compensation. You face no financial risk if you lose.

Eligibility for Pre-Settlement Funding

To qualify for legal funding, it is important to make sure that your case is strong enough to win. Credit or income are not relevant for our funding. Instead, we require the following:

  1. Strong and Cooperative Legal Representation
  2. No-Fault Incident Resulting in Organ Damage Injury
  3. A Meritorious Personal Injury Case
  4. Sufficient Insurance Coverage by Defendant
  5. You Must Live in a Fundable State.

What Makes Personal Injury Lawsuits Involving Organ Damage Strong Enough to Get Approved for Funding?

Your responsibility for the accident/incident, resulting in organ damage will affect how much compensation you get awarded. This is based on fault laws like comparative fault or contributory negligence. To get approved for legal funding, your lawyer needs to show strong evidence that proves the other side is responsible for the incident and caused organ damage. Other than the above criteria, here is how we asses your case:

  • Expert Testimony to Prove Causation: Specialists such as cardiologists, nephrologists, pulmonologists, hepatologists, and neurologists provide essential evidence for proving causation in organ damage cases. Their detailed medical records, diagnostic tests, and expert testimony also demonstrates that the organ dysfunction wasn’t pre-existing.
  • Documentation. Depending on the cause, incident reports such as a car accident, police reports, accident scene photos, and witness statements can pinpoint the defendant’s fault in causing the crash and subsequent organ damage.
  • Post-Op Reports and Costs. These may include Nephrectomy, Liver Resection, Lobectomy, Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting (CABG), Heart Valve Repair, Splenectomy, Craniotomy, Brain Surgery, among others. The cost of treating organ damage can range anywhere from $50,000 to more than $800,000.
  • Long-Term or Permanent Disability. Documentation that the internal damage has resulted in long-term health conditions or permanent disability such as Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD), Chronic Liver Disease (Cirrhosis), Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), Heart Failure, Cognitive Impairment, Pulmonary Fibrosis, Hepatic Encephalopathy, Arrhythmias, Epilepsy, Increased Infection Risk (Asplenia) or other conditions.
  • Plaintiff’s Employment and Income Information. Evidence of how the damaged organ has affected the plaintiff’s ability to work and their future earning capacity. It includes current employment status, income loss due to injury, and potential long-term effects on career prospects.
  • Future Medical Expenses. Future medical expenses, permanent care, and loss of earning capacity may include liver transplant surgery, regular dialysis, supplemental oxygen, lifelong use of heart medications, deep brain stimulators, ongoing rehabilitation therapy, and more.
  • Comprehensive Strategy. Having a respected personal injury attorney specializing in cases involving organ damage helps strengthen the argument.

Why Legal Funding Is Crucial for Victims of Organ Injury Lawsuits

When insurance companies handle lawsuits involving organ injuries, they pay extra attention and use more aggressive tactics, due to the potential for high compensation.

Insurers often question how serious the injury is and whether ongoing treatments, like organ transplants or lifelong medication, are really necessary and worth the cost. Because these cases are complicated and involve high financial stakes, insurers conduct extensive investigations and create disputes, which can lead to major delays in resolving the case.

As mentioned, many organ injury victims suffer from high medical costs and a loss of income that leads to financial desperation. Aware of this, insurance companies stall negotiations and offer low initial settlements, in an attempt to pressure plaintiffs to settle for less, making organ injury lawsuits difficult to contend with.

By securing a personal injury lawsuit loan, you gain financial stability and the ability to make informed decisions about your medical care and legal strategy. This advance can prevent the need to settle your case prematurely for less than you deserve, giving your attorney the time necessary to fight for a fair and just settlement.

Ready To Take The Next Step?

When pursuing compensation for organ damage, remember the importance of building a strong case with clear medical evidence, proven liability, and documented negative effects on your quality of life. And if you find yourself in need of support, pre-settlement funding is a powerful tool that can empower you on your journey towards justice and compensation for your injuries sustained as a result of an organ failure.

At Baker Street Funding, we make applying for litigation funding easy and straightforward. Our non-recourse legal funding means you only repay if you win your injury case, and we offer competitive, low rates to help you retain most of your settlement post-victory. Baker Street Funding does not perform credit checks, or income verifrication.

Apply today and take the first step towards securing the funds you need to manage your expenses while you recover and rebuild your life.


What is a personal injury loan?

Personal injury lawsuit loans, also known as pre-settlement funding, or legal financing, is a risk-free financial solution for plaintiffs suffering from internal organ damage while their legal case is pending.

Is pre-settlement injury funding a loan?

Pre-settlement funding is not a traditional loan but rather a non-recourse cash advance secured by the pending lawsuit settlement of your negligence claim. This means that repayment is only required if your lawsuit is successful and a settlement or verdict is reached.

Ease your burden with pre-settlement funding

Dealing with a personal injury lawsuit involves much more than fighting legal battles. It brings emotional stress, physical pain, and financial worries. It’s a lot to handle, but you don’t have to do it alone. At Baker Street Funding, we understand the specific hardships you’re facing. That’s why we offer lawsuit loans to give you the financial relief you need, allowing you to focus on your recovery and your fight for justice.

Getting started is quick and easy—fill out a two-minute application online or give us a call at (888) 711-3599 to stabilize your finances sooner.

Lawsuit settlement loans

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