Roundup Lawsuit Funding

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If you or a loved one is suffering from Non-Hodkin’s Lymphoma due to the use of roundup and you have proof that you used it, you can now apply for settlement funding. Baker Street Legal Funding is a specialist in funding personal injury claims and we are here to help you every step of the way in this journey. 

Bayer agrees to pay $10 billion as a settlement towards roundup-caused cancer lawsuits.

With ravaging controversy already lurking around Bayer, the company is involved in another gigantic stream of litigations that have taken a turn towards an amicable settlement. The tensions now encircle Bayer’s Roundup Weed-killer Spray, a product that can be said to be the golden egg-laying goose for Bayer. Roundup can easily be considered the world’s most recognized remedy to kill wild weeds, used in domestic and commercial gardening and agriculture. Since its introduction, the product has been a massive hit, with boosting sales over the years. On the darker side, though, Roundup has been found to cause Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma, a kind of cancer found amongst humans.

The Cancer Study

The study that first discovered this deadly side-effect of Roundup came from the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC). It surfaced widely since the agency is a wing organization of the World Health Organization (WHO). The product includes glyphosate as its vital ingredient, which was found to have cancer-causing tendencies by the IARC study. However, this study is the only documentary evidence of glyphosate fatality and hence cannot be relied upon entirely. Roundup was initially developed and marketed by Monsanto, which was later acquired by Bayer. After the acquisition, Bayer has marketed the product under its sole name globally and successfully carried out profitable sales across the US.

The Controversy Surrounding Bayer & Roundup Lawsuits

Today, Bayer has been hit with around 95,000 cases from claimants seeking compensation for symptoms and confirmed cancer diagnosis patients. The claims have been brought to multiple states’ courts, demanding Bayer pays for the long-term deadly injuries sustained by consumers of the weed-killing spray. A small number of claimants are domestic gardening users. In contrast, a significant proportion comprises farmers and agriculturists, which form a considerable part of Roundup users. Even after contending this substantial amount of litigations, Bayer adheres to its conventional approach when it comes to admission of any possible wrongs on its part. The corporation is currently maintaining its defense. They claim that the product is entirely safe for use and that glyphosate is unproven to have any alleged cancerous characteristics.

The Terms of the Settlement

To satisfy the 95,000 claimants and compel them to withdraw their claims, Bayer first proposed a round of settlement talks last year. This was done to bring an end to the damaging controversy concerning one of its most successful brands. The proposal initiated discussions with some of America’s top law firms representing the claimants, which then substantiated a settlement amount of $10 billion to be paid to the plaintiffs. The offer was advanced Bayer and had quirked eyebrows since the amount constitutes one of the largest lawsuit settlements in US litigation history.

This proposed amount would be utilized to pay the claimants seeking compensation for their injuries, except for $1.25 billion, which would be kept to tackle any potential claims in the future. Even out of this $1.25 billion apportioned amount, a small part would be used to establish an independent expert panel that would probe into glyphosate’s alleged cancerous nature. Bayer has announced no plans of discontinuing its successful and most sought-after product Roundup. For that reason alone, a possibility of future claims is being given due regard in the agreement since Roundup is to enjoy a longer shelf life. The margin of potential future claims has been kept for people who have used the product and, consequently, were diagnosed with cancer symptoms.

The Background & Implications

Even with such enormous damages offered across the table, many plaintiffs have rejected the settlement proposal. The terms of the agreement, for many, are just an attempt to partially cover the deadly harms suffered by the claimants and not to address the bigger problem. Bayer, on the other hand, has tried everything to hurry the settlement process. From scanty talks beginning last year to the deal almost concluding in the ongoing days, the process has taken a quick course. 

One of the reasons for such an expeditious resolution could be the courts’ closure during the COVID-19 outbreak. However, the primary factor forcing Bayer towards an amicable solution is the negative impression projected to the general public about the company’s ethics. Overwhelming amounts of litigations and strong allegations raised upon a corporation’s general practices and products are incredibly adverse to sustainable growth and eventual success. Intense pressure has been building for Bayer recently, so much so that the company is on the verge of losing the investor confidence and corporate reputation it has enjoyed for decades. Moreover, this is not the first time Bayer has found itself in the controversies column. Even before, Bayer had been hit with significant public outcry arising out of its Essure devices, causing severe internal injuries amongst women.

Bayer still stands to deny any side-effects possibly caused by its product Roundup. While the brand was still owned by Monsanto, cases that alleged Roundup to cause cancer had already started coming in, sparking a controversy that was well within Bayer’s knowledge. Courts dealing with these cases, involving those in California and San Francisco, had already passed judgments declaring Roundup products to be actively causing cancer amongst the users, also awarding millions of dollars as damages to the claimants. Monsanto appealed the decisions, but the effect was not changed any more than reducing the awards. Bayer can therefore be said to have inherited all of this hassle through acquiring Monsanto with all its intent. 

The company’s strict adherence to its no-guilt policy finds the reasoning in multiple studies and regulators across the globe, giving a green chit to Roundup products being safe and healthy for all prescribed uses. 

Ambiguity into the actual state of facts still prevails, owing to which Bayer has designated funds to sponsor independent research into glyphosate nature. Despite the obscurity, skepticism has won concerning the credibility and quality of Roundup products. Agricultural retailers and departmental stores in various cities and districts have even taken Roundup products off the shelves due to increased concerns.

Roundup Settlement Lawsuit Loans

Baker Street Legal Funding is funding roundup cases but requires proof of use and a positive diagnosis for Non-Hodgkin lymphoma.

If you need a lawsuit loan due to the injustice that roundup corporations have caused you, call us at 888-711-3599 or apply today. We will be glad to help you get through this time until you receive your settlement.

Ease your burden with pre-settlement funding

Dealing with a personal injury lawsuit involves much more than fighting legal battles. It brings emotional stress, physical pain, and financial worries. It’s a lot to handle, but you don’t have to do it alone. At Baker Street Funding, we understand the specific hardships you’re facing. That’s why we offer lawsuit loans to give you the financial relief you need, allowing you to focus on your recovery and your fight for justice.

Getting started is quick and easy—fill out a two-minute application online or give us a call at (888) 711-3599 to stabilize your finances sooner.

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