Slipped or Torn Discs Lawsuit Loans

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Reading Time: 2 minutes

Disc injuries are spinal injuries suffered from severe blows or strains pressed upon the spine or the backbone. These discs surround the spinal cord, a bundle of nerves carrying nervous signals for sensations and motor functions starting from the brain and traveling to the rest of the body.

The spinal cord is supported by bones, which are cushioned by these discs throughout the spine’s length.

If a person is involved in an unfortunate accident or tragedy and suffers severe blows to their back or neck area, the discs may slip out and get pushed into the spinal cord.

Such a slipped disc is also known as a herniated disc, a bulged, ruptured, or collapsed disc. Even minor slippage of discs into the spinal cord can cause excruciating levels of pain, making even slight movements too unbearable for the victim.

Suppose the disc presses into the spinal nerves; the pain may be accompanied by a feeling of numbness in the body part to which the specific, pressed nerve travels.

Causes and symptoms of slipped discs

Herniated discs may simply be caused due to degeneration as a result of aging. However, victims of herniated discs brought to the ER aren’t usually victims of aging but are instead parties to accidents or falls.

Almost all emergency herniated disk injuries arise out of road traffic accidents, followed by slips & falls and workplace accidents.

A victim may already be suffering from disc issues, while involved in an accident may further aggravate them. Victims of minor herniated discs may initially suffer from pains in the lower back or neck, worsening if the disk remains displaced or is aggravated due to incorrect posture.

Treatment and claims of slipped or torn discs

Fortunately, most herniated slipped or torn disc injury cases do not undergo surgery and are treatable with simple physiotherapies and medications. If the displacement is severe, the victim may have to undergo surgical procedures to align the disc back to its original position. This makes herniated disc injuries and all other spinal injuries costly and expensive over the top.

A person that has suffered from such a major, life-altering event may not have enough resources to revert back to their earlier health all by their own means. This means that victims can sue the party or person at fault to receive damages for their injuries.

The injury, pain, or suffering cannot be taken back, but the monetary blows received, as well as the anguish, can be made up for.

The victims can make up a good case for personal injuries against the alleged perpetrator of harm, gathering any and all documentary evidence in the shape of medical reports, scans, prescriptions, and practitioners’ bills to strengthen their claims. 

How can torn disc pre-settlement funding help?

If you are a personal injury victim in need of a cash advance, lawsuit financing is offered by independent sources like Baker Street Funding. Pre-settlement funding can assist you financially while you fight for the settlement you deserve.

The funding you receive is non-recourse, meaning you don’t have to pay anything back until you win your case and get compensation paid out. Once an award of damages is received or the matter is settled between the parties, your attorney will settle the advance. In case your lawsuit doesn’t successfully conclude, you won’t have to repay the advance.

If you wish to benefit from pre-settlement funding, apply for lawsuit funding today.

Ease your burden with pre-settlement funding

Dealing with a personal injury lawsuit involves much more than fighting legal battles. It brings emotional stress, physical pain, and financial worries. It’s a lot to handle, but you don’t have to do it alone. At Baker Street Funding, we understand the specific hardships you’re facing. That’s why we offer lawsuit loans to give you the financial relief you need, allowing you to focus on your recovery and your fight for justice.

Getting started is quick and easy—fill out a two-minute application online or give us a call at (888) 711-3599 to stabilize your finances sooner.

Lawsuit settlement loans

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