Personal Injury Lawsuit Loans

Get Immediate Cash for Your Personal Injury Lawsuit with a No Risk Lawsuit Loan.

If you’ve been in an accident and are pursuing a personal injury lawsuit, you might need immediate cash to keep you afloat. Baker Street Funding provides quick pre-settlement funding to give you one less thing to worry about. Apply now for a risk-free personal injury lawsuit loan and get the financial support you need as soon as the same day of approval. Get $1,500 to $2mm in legal funds, with no repayment if you lose your case. 

Personal Injury Lawsuit Loans

Overcoming financial pressure with personal injury settlement loans.

Did you know that insurance companies profit from delaying personal injury settlements during the litigation process? They know you’re facing financial pressure, so they leverage their stronger position to stall proceedings. Financial strain coupled with this tactic puts you at a disadvantage, eventually forcing you to settle quickly, often on less favorable terms, or even abandon your personal injury cases altogether.

But, imagine a chapter in your life where financial worries don’t hold you back from seeking justice. A personal injury settlement loan from Baker Street Funding can make that happen. It’s your story of keeping up with rent, bills, medical bills and living comfortably. When you have immediate cash to hold out for a prolonged lawsuit, you can also fight for the compensation you truly deserve.

Why Baker Street Funding for your personal injury lawsuit cash advance.

Our expertise and ethical approach is rooted in a deep understanding of your needs and the challenges you face.

How do personal injury lawsuit loans work?

A personal injury lawsuit loan provides a risk-free cash advance against your future settlement. These loans help you manage living expenses, medical bills, and other costs while awaiting your injury claim resolution. All financing from Baker Street Funding is non-recourse, meaning you only repay if you win or secure a settlement. If your case doesn’t result in compensation, you keep the money—no strings attached.

Apply for your personal injury loan in minutes.

Need cash before your personal injury settlement? Our lawsuit loan process is quick and easy. Dive into a simpler way to manage your finances during your legal battle with our 2-minute online application process, with funds available within hours of approval.

low interest rates


Apply online or by calling (888) 711-3599. Provide basic data about your accident and personal injury case. A funding expert will then contact you to complete the qualification.


Upon acceptance, underwriting will contact your attorney to review your damages and evaluate the case strength and potential settlement amount. This takes one to two business days.


After approval, you and your legal representative will sign the funding contract. Upon execution, you’ll receive the funds within hours.

Use cases for pre-settlement funding.

For many, the decision to take a lawsuit loan is driven by immediate financial need. Baker Street Funding provides pre-settlement financing to help relieve financial stress, and is available for a wide range of personal injury claims. If you are unable to locate your case, we highly recommend contacting us at (888) 711-3599 right away to inquire about our ability to finance your lawsuit.

Here’s how our funding can make a difference: 

 Cover medical expenses, rehabilitation, and manage living expenses while you recover. Avoid accepting low settlement offers due to financial pressure.

Did you know? Approximately 6 million car accidents occur annually in the US, resulting in 3 million injuries (Insurance Information Institute).

Pay for medical treatments, family costs, and everyday expenses like rent, groceries, and utilities.

Cover corrective surgeries and maintain financial stability while your attorney fights for compensation.

Funding allows you and your family to cover funeral and burial costs, commemorative events, loss of income support, grief counceling, and more.

Use the funds for in-home care, home modifications, relocation to a safer environment, and more.

Quick tips on managing finances while waiting for a personal injury settlement.

The period following an injury can be incredibly tough. Reduced income and mounting expenses can quickly erode your financial standing. Being smart with your finances can save you a lot of headaches.

1. Create a Budget and Reduce Non-Essential Spending

  • Write down all sources of income and monthly expenses.
  • Separate basic expenses (rent, utilities, groceries) from non-essential ones (entertainment, dining out) and prioritize essential payments.
  • Look for cheaper alternatives for subscriptions and shopping, such as using free streaming services or shopping during sales.

2. Negotiate with Creditors

Explain your situation to creditors and ask for payment plans or temporary relief. Some may reduce interest rates or waive fees if you demonstrate financial hardship.

3. Utilize Community Resources

  • Look for local charities, churches, or community organizations that offer financial aid, food banks, or utility assistance programs.
  • Check if you qualify for government assistance programs such as SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program) or Medicaid.

4. Plan for the Future

  • Once you win, save a portion of your settlement to create an emergency fund for future unexpected expenses.
  • Consider consulting a financial advisor to help manage your personal injury settlement wisely.

Your first step towards financial relief is a simple application away.

Apply for a loan against your personal injury lawsuit now, and meet your urgent needs in less than 24 hours. Our pre-settlement loans are available at any stage of the litigation process. And the best part? No credit checks, no employment verifications. We take the risk, not you. If you don’t win your case, you don’t pay us back.


The following FAQ will give you an in-depth understanding of how personal injury settlement loans work, the types of cases that can qualify for funding, common injuries most lenders are interested in financing, and more. And if you want one-on-one assistance, our lawsuit loan specialists are standing by to help you find the answers you are looking for and the options that best fit your financial needs.

Yes, if:

  • You are the executor of the plaintiff’s estate or have legal power of attorney.
  • The plaintiff is verbally incapacitated or needs language translation.
  • An attorney is applying for funding on behalf of the plaintiff.

You may receive up to 10% of your case’s value if it is still pending or up to 20% if it has already settled. For example, if your case is worth $100,000, you could get up to $10,000.

Yes. A personal injury lawsuit loan can be used for various purposes, including medical bills, living expenses, mortgage or rent payments, vehicle repairs, child support, credit card bills, and any other financial needs that may arise as a result of the injury. 

After you apply for a settlement advance, the following will happen:

  1. A funding expert will contact you to pre-qualify your case.
  2. You’ll provide your attorney’s contact information to release necessary documents.
  3. Upon your attorney’s participation, you can get approval and funding within 24 hours.

No, our loans are non-recourse secured by your future settlement proceeds. You don’t need collateral, a credit check, or proof of income. Repayment is only required if you receive payment from the defendant.

Potentially, yes. Your eligibility depends on a doctor’s assessment and medical history proving that the recent accident caused more harm.

Yes, we provide surgery and medical lien lawsuit funding in connection with a personal injury claim. Baker Street Funding can cover the cost of your surgery with immediate cash payment in full pre-operation, with repayment only required after you receive compensation.

Learn more about Medical Lien Funding For Personal Injuries

Yes, rates are capped in the second or third year of the loan. There are no additional charges if your case takes longer to settle.

The Pre-settlement funding process typically takes 24-48 hours from the moment your attorney submits your case information to the funding decision.


Once your settlement funds are received, your personal injury lawyer will distribute the loan payment.

Yes, you can qualify for more than one lawsuit loan and consolidate previous advances from other financing companies at a lower rate.

We require:

  • Legal documents related to your case.
  • Doctor visits and medical records.
  • Defense insurance policy.
  • Potential liens attached to your settlement.

No penalties for early repayments and no upfront charges.

Baker Street Funding provides personal injury loans in many states across the US. For specific state restrictions, contact us directly at (888) 711-3599 or visit our states we fund page here.

RateNon-compounding starting at 2.95% p/mth
Terms2-3 year cap
Funding time24-48 hours
Amounts$1,500 up to $2.5 mm

Baker Street Funding is a top-rated personal injury lawsuit funding company specializing in financing large and small accident claims. Our funding amounts have no set minimum or maximum limit. However, as we bear the risk of non-payment if the case is lost, there are certain requirements that you must meet to qualify for an advance on your injury lawsuit. While these criteria are mandatory, the qualification process is simple.

  • An active, no-fault personal injury case valued at over $50,000;
  • Your attorney’s participation and consent on the loan;
  • You must live in a fundable state and be over 18 years of age;
  • You must be suing an insured defendant;
  • You must have sustained injuries from your accident, and have had surgery or injections as a result.

Ready to apply? Reach out to our lawsuit financing team at (888) 711-3599 to find out if your personal injury case qualifies for a lawsuit loan today.

When evaluating the strength of an injury case for a potential loan, Baker Street Funding performs a thorough assessment that involves estimating the merits and value of your lawsuit, based on factors such as:

  • Liability. Your lawyer needs to demonstrate that the defendant was negligent or at fault for your injury. (e.g., drivers following traffic laws, property owners maintaining safe premises).
  • Fault Laws. Some states have comparative negligence laws, which affect the amount of compensation you can receive based on your degree of fault. In states that follow contributory negligence laws, you may be barred from recovering damages if you are found to have contributed to their own injury.
  • Damages. The magnitude of the damages, including medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, and related costs, strengthens the case. We also forecast long-term consequences such as future medical needs and loss of earnings.
  • Injury Severity. Serious injuries often result in extensive rehabilitation, and a lasting or permanent negative impact on your quality of life, which can translate to a much larger settlement.
  • Strength of the Evidence. Availability and quality of evidence confirming that this incident caused your injuries. Evidence includes medical records, treatment histories, accident reports, witness statements, reconstruction specialists, videos, photos, and expert testimony.
  • Stage of the Process. This allows for a comprehensive evaluation of your case’s progress, potential for delays, legal arguments, any legal obstacles that may arise, and the overall direction of your injury case.
  • Insurance Coverage. If the defendant has sufficient insurance coverage to cover potential damages, it can contribute to your case’s strength, and your chances of recovery.
  • Legal Representation. Having an experienced and competent attorney with a successful track record in personal injury law can enhance your case.

Select a legal funding service to get started. 

Attorney Requests

Lawsuit Loans

Litigation Funding

Personal Injury Loans

Settled Case Loans

Surgery Funding

Or just call us at 888.711.3599 to apply.