Pre-Settlement Funding for Work-Related Accident Lawsuits

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Work accident lawsuit funding

Workplace injuries can turn your life upside down. Whether it’s a fall, an overexertion injury, or exposure to harmful substances, these incidents can cause serious physical, emotional, and financial strain. While workers’ compensation typically provides benefits for medical expenses and a portion of lost wages, it may not cover all your damages, particularly in cases involving negligence by a third party.

A personal injury lawsuit, specifically a negligence claim, offers a solution by providing monetary compensation and a sense of justice for injuries caused by the negligence of third parties. However, the settlement process for work-related injuries can be lengthy and complex, potentially causing further struggles.

At Baker Street Funding, we specialize in helping injured workers in personal injury lawsuits secure the funds they need to maintain their lives. Our non-recourse loans ensure that you only repay if you win your case, allowing you to cover immediate expenses and maintain your household, so that you’re not left in financial limbo. With us, you get the support you need quickly to continue your fight for fair compensation.

Common Types of Workplace Injuries and Accidents Due to Negligence

  • Slips, Trips, and Falls. These incidents are common in workplaces with wet floors, uneven surfaces, or poor lighting. A slip might result in sprains, fractures, or even concussions if the worker hits his or her head.
  • Overexertion. This occurs when workers lift, push, or pull heavy objects without proper technique or breaks, leading to back injuries, muscle strains, or hernias. A common example is a warehouse employee lifting boxes all day without proper ergonomic practices.
  • Being Struck by Objects. Often happens on construction sites or factories where items can fall or machinery can malfunction, causing broken bones, head injuries, or severe bruising.
  • Repetitive Motion Injuries. Commonly seen jobs requiring the same movements repeatedly, like typing or assembly line work. Over time, this can lead to carpal tunnel syndrome, tendonitis, or other musculoskeletal disorders.
  • Exposure to Toxic Substances. In industries like manufacturing or agriculture, workers might come into contact with chemicals that can cause respiratory issues, skin conditions, or even long-term illnesses like cancer or neurological disorders.
  • Permanent Disability. In severe cases, workplace injuries can result in permanent disabilities that prevent workers from returning to their previous jobs or performing any work at all. This can include the loss of limbs, severe spinal injuries, or traumatic brain injuries.
  • Fatal Accident – Wrongful Death. Some workplace injuries result in fatalities due to employer negligence or unsafe conditions. Families may be entitled to compensation for their loss, including funeral expenses and emotional distress.

What is a Work Accident Lawsuit?

A work accident lawsuit, often referred to as a third-party claim, is a legal action where an employee seeks compensation for damages resulting from an injury sustained on the job due to the negligence or wrongful act of a party other than his or her employer.

Unlike workers’ compensation claims, which provide benefits regardless of fault, a work accident lawsuit allows victims to seek compensation beyond what is available through workers’ comp, potentially covering additional medical bills, lost wages, pain and suffering, and other damages caused by the accident.

Who Can You Sue in a Third-Party Claim?

  • Property Owners. If your injury occurred on a site owned by someone other than your employer, you can sue the property owner for unsafe conditions. This would typically involve the liability insurance of the owner.
  • Co-workers. In some cases, you might sue a co-worker if his or her intentional actions caused your injury. This is less common because workers’ compensation usually covers injuries resulting from co-workers’ negligence, and lawsuits against co-workers are typically barred unless there was intentional misconduct.
  • Employer. Exceptions may exist if your employer intentionally caused the injury or engaged in gross negligence in some jurisdictions, but these cases are extremely rare and difficult to prove.
  • Others. Sometimes, third parties are responsible for the accident, such as equipment manufacturers, contractors, or other businesses on-site. For example, if faulty scaffolding caused your fall, you can sue the manufacturer for product liability.

Why Having an Injury Attorney is Important

An injury attorney guides you through the legal complications of a workplace injury claim, so that your rights are protected and your case is strong. Lawyers gather and organize critical evidence, like medical records and accident reports, and use relevant laws and regulations to show how your employer was negligent.

Additionally, attorneys handle negotiations with insurance companies and defense attorneys to secure fair compensation. However, when awaiting a lawsuit settlement, you might face financial hardship due to medical procedures and your inability to work. This is another reason why having a legal representation is important. Funding companies work closely with your attorney to assess the merits of your work-related accident litigation and determine eligibility and the right funding amount.

What is Pre-Settlement Funding for Work-Related Accident Lawsuits?

Pre-settlement funding, also known as lawsuit advance loans or litigation funding, provides financial assistance to plaintiffs waiting for their work-related accident lawsuits to settle. 

One major benefit of pre-settlement legal funding from Baker Street Funding is that it is non-recourse. This means if you don’t win your work accident case or receive a settlement, you aren’t required to repay the money. Once your case settles, your attorney repays the loan from the settlement proceeds.

Another great benefit is that this financial tool can help you avoid accepting a lowball offer just because you need the money now. Work accident claims often involve dealing with large employers, such as construction firms, manufacturing companies, and corporate offices, whose insurance companies can drag out the settlement process to pressure you into accepting a lower offer.

With a lawsuit loan, you can manage the long legal process and potentially achieve a fairer settlement.

Ways Injured Workers Can Use Pre-Settlement Funding

When you’re facing a work-related accident lawsuit, pre-settlement funding can offer relief in several ways. This is especially helpful if you’re struggling with medical bills, rent, mortgage, food, and other expenses related to workplace injuries.

Here are some other ways this loan can help:

  1. Home Modifications. If your injury requires you to modify your home for better accessibility, such as adding ramps or widening doorways, pre-settlement legal funding can cover these costs.
  2. Specialized Therapy. Use the funds for alternative therapies that might not be covered by insurance, like acupuncture, massage therapy, or hydrotherapy, to aid in your recovery.
  3. Educational Courses. If your injury prevents you from returning to your previous job, settlement funding can help pay for online courses or training programs to develop new skills and find alternative employment.
  4. Childcare Services. Injuries often make it difficult to care for your children. You can use the funds to hire childcare services while you recover.
  5. Pet Care. If you’re unable to take care of your pets due to your injury, legal funding can cover pet boarding or hire a pet sitter, ensuring your furry friends are looked after.

 How to Apply for Funding

Applying for a lawsuit loan is simple. Baker Street Funding assesses the strength of your third-party claim. To qualify, you must have an attorney representing you, as he or she will help us determine the right funding amount for you. We don’t check your credit score, so your financial history isn’t a barrier for you.

If approved, you and your lawyer will obtain a funding contract to sign. This amount is based on the value of your work-related accident case. Once the funding agreement is complete, you’ll receive a cash advance the same day.

Legal Funding Evaluation of Your Third-Party Negligence Lawsuit

Several factors, such as comparative fault or contributory negligence laws, play a role in determining the compensation amount for a third-party claim related to workplace injuries.

For Baker Street Funding to evaluate your case, your attorney must present us with strong evidence that your employer’s negligence caused your work injury. Here are the main factors that determine the approval of pre-settlement funding for injured workers:

  • Accident Report. An official accident report detailing the time, date, location, and circumstances of the accident, including any safety protocol violations.
  • Medical Records. Comprehensive medical documentation from initial treatment to ongoing care. This includes doctor’s notes, test results, prescriptions, and physical therapy records that show the nature and extent of the work-related injury.
  • Photographs and Videos. Visual evidence of safety hazards or a lack of protective measures. These can include videos or photos of the accident scene, any involved machinery or equipment, and visible injuries.
  • Eyewitnesses. Written or recorded statements from coworkers or other witnesses who saw the accident happen to corroborate your account of the incident.
  • Expert Witnesses. Experts who can provide technical explanations about workplace safety standards, how they were violated, and led to the accident. Expert witnesses might include occupational safety professionals or engineers.
  • Medical Experts. Medical experts testifying that your injury is related to your job.
  • Safety Protocols. The employer’s safety protocols and training records to determine if proper procedures were followed, like any lapses in mandatory safety training or equipment maintenance logs.
  • Violation Records. Records of any previous safety violations or accidents in the workplace, as a history of violations can demonstrate a pattern of negligence.
  • Economic Damages. The cost of vocational retraining if your injury prevents you from returning to your previous job. 
  • Detailed Financial Records and Employer Benefits. Benefits like disability insurance, and workers’ compensation payments.
  • Regulatory Compliance. Any history of violations of Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) regulations or other safety standards related to your case and how they contributed to your accident.

Other Considerations

  • Surgical Reports and Costs
  • Injection Procedures
  • Expenses Covered By Worker’s Comp Insurance
  • Current Liens, such as Child Support or Medical Liens

Analyzing a Strong Case Example of a Construction Site Fall

The following construction site fall case exemplifies a strong workplace accident claim that a legal funding company would fund, as it demonstrates the interplay of employer negligence, regulatory non-compliance, and direct causation of severe injuries. This case involved Raymond DeMarco, who sustained spinal injuries and pneumonia after falling 10 feet from a platform on a construction site due to a faulty railing.

  • Documented Negligence. DeMarco’s legal team demonstrated that Loftus Construction Inc. violated Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) standards by failing to provide safe working conditions. 
  • Direct Causation. The plaintiff established a direct connection between the faulty railing and his injuries. Medical records and expert testimony confirmed that the fall directly caused DeMarco’s spinal injuries and subsequent pneumonia.
  • Regulatory Violations. Loftus Construction’s non-compliance with OSHA regulations at the time of the accident further strengthened the case, as the accident was in fact preventable.
  • Severe Impact and Damages. The fall resulted in major physical and emotional harm to DeMarco, who’ll never return to work. The $7.8 million settlement included compensation for medical expenses, lost wages, future earning potential, and the severe psychological and emotional impact on DeMarco and his family.

Ready to Get a Lawsuit Loan for Your Work-Related Accident?

Dealing with a work-related accident lawsuit can be overwhelming, but knowing your financial options can make a big difference. Pre-settlement funding from Baker Street Funding gives you financial support now to cover your immediate expenses, like medical treatments, rent, and utilities during this time. Our lawsuit cash advances can also help you if your employer and the insurance company is delaying your settlement to pressure you into accepting less money.

Don’t let financial pressure force you into an unfair settlement. With the right support and a good attorney by your side, Baker Street Funding gives you quick cash, at the right time.

Apply for a lawsuit loan and get funded within 24 hours. Competitive rates starting at just 2.95% per month (non-compounding). 

Ease your burden with pre-settlement funding

Dealing with a personal injury lawsuit involves much more than fighting legal battles. It brings emotional stress, physical pain, and financial worries. It’s a lot to handle, but you don’t have to do it alone. At Baker Street Funding, we understand the specific hardships you’re facing. That’s why we offer lawsuit loans to give you the financial relief you need, allowing you to focus on your recovery and your fight for justice.

Getting started is quick and easy—fill out a two-minute application online or give us a call at (888) 711-3599 to stabilize your finances sooner.

Lawsuit settlement loans

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